Email Profit Academy


An online Academy dedicated to empowering affiliate marketers to thrive.


Give us as little as 90 days, and you will own an affiliate business that actually makes consistent and predictable sales.

  • Stop burning money on traffic through trial and errors

  • Stay anonymous

  • Skip using social media

With our proven blueprint, you can see results even if you're just starting out!


Why Start An Affiliate Business Using Email Marketing?

Growing annual revenue

Email marketing revenue worldwide is expected to reach $17.9 billion by 2027.

Your own email


Your own email list

Take control of your business. Unlike social media platforms that can suspend your account, your email list remains a reliable and secure asset.

Email is used more than social media platforms

Strong reach and engagement potential. Fun fact: 71% of consumers favour email as their first online “check” of the day.

High ROI in the industry

Affiliates earn $40 on average for every $1 spent!

Email will be around forever

Stable long-term business model.

Our Promise - The 3 Outcomes

Generate sales

Own an affiliate business that actually makes consistent and predictable sales in 90 days, without ever showing your face.

Proven traffic blueprint

Stop burning money on unreliable traffic methods, we will give you our proven traffic blueprint that actually gives you a predictable ROI.

Saves time

Only requires 1 hour a day after your business is set up. A perfect side hustle while you pursue your passions.


Own an affiliate business that actually makes consistent and predictable sales

Timeline Scroll
Combined Steps Image


Set up your business and get ready for leads


1,000 subscribers and grow your revenue


Predictable business growth with just 1-hour a day of work and enjoy a new source of income!


Set up your business and get ready for leads


1,000 subscribers and grow your revenue


Predictable business growth with just 1-hour a day of work and enjoy a new source of income!

Day 1

Introduction To The Billion-Dollar World Of Affiliate Marketing Through Email

Harness the potential of email databases for a lifestyle business as compared to other affiliate methods.

You'll grasp the fundamental principles of email marketing through our proven methods - ‘7-Steps Emails Profit System’. It serves as the cornerstone of your business.

Day 2

Mastering The Easy-To-Follow ‘7-Steps Email Profit System’

You will discover what it takes to start your business the right way, all the way to call your business beyond 6-figures.

At the end of Day 2, you’ll possess the skills necessary to effectively run a thriving affiliate email marketing business.

Day 3 & 4

Dive Into A 5-Day Practical Challenge - Let’s Get Hands-On!

Over the next five days, we’ll bring the theoretical framework of the ‘7-Steps Email Profit System’ to life.

On Days 3 and 4, Shawn will guide you through the process of selecting a highly profitable niche that aligns with your very own ‘lead magnet’ with maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

Day 5 & 6

Import Our Proven Funnel & Email Templates And Get Ready For Lead Generation

Skip the guesswork and build your email marketing funnel using Shawn’s proven funnel and high-converting email templates.

At the end of Day 6, your business should be ready for leads to be channelled in. Yes, you heard it right - you can kickstart driving leads to your business, and this is where the excitement truly begins!

Day 7

Launch Your ‘1-Hour A Day’ Business And Go LIVE!

On the last day, Shawn will walk you through the process of generating leads for your affiliate email business.

This is the day your business goes LIVE. You will acquire your first batch of email list subscribers and secure your first sale - often achieved in less than 48 hours!

Additionally, Shawn will also spill the beans on how to maintain profitability with just one-hour of daily commitment!

Day 1

Introduction To The Billion-Dollar World Of Affiliate Marketing Through Email

Harness the potential of email databases for a lifestyle business as compared to other affiliate methods.

You'll grasp the fundamental principles of email marketing through our proven methods - ‘7-Steps Emails Profit System’. It serves as the cornerstone of your business.

Day 3 & 4

Dive Into A 5-Day Practical Challenge - Let’s Get Hands-On!

Over the next five days, we’ll bring the theoretical framework of the ‘7-Steps Email Profit System’ to life.

On Days 3 and 4, Shawn will guide you through the process of selecting a highly profitable niche that aligns with your very own ‘lead magnet’ with maximum effectiveness and efficiency.

Day 7

Launch Your ‘1-Hour A Day’ Business And Go LIVE!

On the last day, Shawn will walk you through the process of generating leads for your affiliate email business.

This is the day your business goes LIVE. You will acquire your first batch of email list subscribers and secure your first sale - often achieved in less than 48 hours!

Additionally, Shawn will also spill the beans on how to maintain profitability with just one-hour of daily commitment!

Day 2

Mastering The Easy-To-Follow ‘7-Steps Email Profit System’

You will discover what it takes to start your business the right way, all the way to call your business beyond 6-figures.

At the end of Day 2, you’ll possess the skills necessary to effectively run a thriving affiliate email marketing business.

Day 5 & 6

Import Our Proven Funnel & Email Templates And Get Ready For Lead Generation

Skip the guesswork and build your email marketing funnel using Shawn’s proven funnel and high-converting email templates.

At the end of Day 6, your business should be ready for leads to be channelled in. Yes, you heard it right - you can kickstart driving leads to your business, and this is where the excitement truly begins!


Fill out a 1 minute form

This will help us understand your needs and tailor a plan for you.

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Grab your tailored plan from our experts - ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Get started!

Start your affiliate marketing journey with us today!



Gain Clarity, Confidence And Real Tangible Results

Built on the success of running multiple affiliate email marketing businesses, our Academy details the wisdom and strategies of Shawn’s extensive years of experience, condensed into a Success Blueprint - allowing you to avoid costly mistakes and directing you straight to the proven strategy to ensure your success.

We break down complex concepts into bite-sized, easy-to-follow modules, making affiliate email marketing accessible to even beginners without prior experience or technical knowledge.

Through our efficient ‘one-hour-a-day’ business model, our program is curated for maximum results with minimal time spent, so that you achieve your goals without compromising valued family time. We skip the fluff and dive straight into what works, providing a clear and actionable blueprint that eliminates complicated setups.

We achieved 100% track record of students making their first online sale through our program, and we produced 4 online millionaires over the years!

We have consistently delivered results.

Gain clarity, confidence and real tangible results with Email Profit Academy.



Don’t work with us if you want to “get rich quick”

If you’re seeking a “get rich quick” scheme, we’re not the right fit for you. Our approach is rooted in sustainable, long-term success rather than promising overnight riches. We prioritise ethical and effective strategies that require dedication, effort, and patience to yield meaningful results. “Get rich quick” does not exist in the real world. If you’re committed to building a solid foundation for lasting success, we’re here to support you every step of the way.


Don’t work with us if you are not willing to pay the price for success

Success requires a significant amount of hard work; there are no shortcuts. If you’re searching for something without putting in any hard work, then we’re not the right fit for you. Success demands dedication and a willingness to pay the price. While we can simplify the journey and provide a step-by-step blueprint for creating a successful affiliate email marketing business, no one can make it EASY. Every client results and case study showcased on our site represents an extraordinary individual who demonstrated coachability, decisiveness, and resourcefulness. They followed our guidance and did everything we told them to. They persevered through setbacks and challenges and paid the price for their success.


Don’t work with us if you cannot spare ‘1-hour a day’ to run your business

If you cannot dedicate at least ‘1-hour a day’ to running your business, we’re not the right fit for you. Our approach is designed to accommodate busy schedules by requiring only minimal time commitment. However, consistent daily effort is essential for success in building and growing your business. If you’re unable to dedicate this time, we are not for you.

All that being said, let us talk about who can benefit from Email Profit Academy.

Who Can Benefit From Our Academy

Email Profit Academy is designed for coachable, decisive and resource

individuals who are interested in affiliate marketing and currently:

Email Profit Academy is designed for coachable, decisive and resource individuals who are interested in affiliate marketing and currently:

Professional working adults

Most of our members are currently in a 9-6pm job. Join us to learn how to do this with our proven method.

Struggling affiliate marketers

Statistics have shown that more than 95% of beginners fail in affiliate marketing. Let us show you the right way to do it and you save time.

Beginner affiliate marketers

We understand the challenges of starting from scratch, which is why we offer comprehensive training modules that break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.

Business owners



Affiliate email marketing offers a solution by granting you the freedom to expand your business beyond geographical boundaries

Freelancers/ self-employed



Have some free time? Affiliate marketing offers a lucrative opportunity to generate passive income on the move.

About Shawn Josiah

Shawn Josiah, Founder of Email Profit Academy

Shawn grew up in an ordinary neighbourhood in Singapore and pursued a Business degree at King's College London, graduating with First Class Honours. While balancing his studies and a full-time government job, he realized that traditional career paths wouldn't provide the life he envisioned. This led him to explore affiliate marketing part-time.

Despite the demands of academia and work, Shawn excelled in the digital landscape, earning his first million by age 26 and winning multiple affiliate marketing awards, all while dedicating just an hour a day to his email marketing business.

Specializing in Email Marketing, Shawn now offers strategic advice and private coaching to help Affiliate Marketers achieve six-figure incomes. He founded Email Profit Academy in 2017, a referral-only community where he has transformed four individuals into millionaires and helped many others earn substantial monthly incomes.

Today, Shawn is opening Email Profit Academy to the public, providing aspiring affiliate marketers the chance to join this elite community.

Outside of his professional endeavours, Shawn is a devoted family man, friend, and Christian.



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Frequently Asked Questions

New to Affiliate Marketing? Struggling to make your affiliate marketing business work? We're here to help. 😊
Explore some of these Frequently Asked Questions and perhaps you could get your answers. Questions not reflected here?
Reach out to us by clicking on the Get Help button below, and our friendly support stuff will get back to you in the next 24-48 hours. :)

How much time should I dedicate to be successful student in Email Profit Academy?

10 hours a week for the first 90 days. Subsequently, spent at least 1 hour a day in this business, following the right methods.

I've tried other business programs. How is this one different?

This program incorporates Shawn Josiah's proven success formula. It provides immersive training contents, personalised guidance with an assigned account manager (90 days), and access to Shawn's proven tools and strategies. Your responsibility? Simply show up, participate in activities in the program and be consistent in your daily efforts.

What support will I receive during the program?

As a member of Email Profit Academy, you will receive:
- A dedicated Account Manager for the first 90 days of your business
- Email support at [email protected]

Do I really need this program?

Are you exchanging your time for money right now? You can create a possibility of running an affiliate email marketing business that will take you out of time/money matrix of rat race.. There's a reason that people who are currently in their full time job/professional job and work with Shawn Josiah because Shawn helps them to create an option to stay or to leave their job.

What if this program does not work for me, are there refunds?

No, there are no refunds. We want this community to serve you at the highest level. If we do not deliver on our promise you can reach out to our customer service team and we will work with you till we achieve our promise to you.

I don't have any experience in affiliate marketing, can I still register to join this academy?

Of course. You're more than welcome to register for our Academy even if you don't have any prior experience in affiliate marketing. In fact, many of our most successful students started from ground zero with no prior knowledge or experience in the field. Have a look at their Success Stories!

Our Academy is designed to cater to individuals at all skill levels, whether you're a complete beginner or someone looking to refine their existing knowledge. We provide comprehensive training that covers everything from the fundamentals of affiliate marketing to advanced strategies used by industry experts.

Our curriculum is structured in a way that is easy to understand and follow, even for those who are completely new to the concept of affiliate marketing. We'll walk you through each step of the process, providing you with the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to succeed in this dynamic industry.

Moreover, our coaches and support team are always available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance and support throughout your learning journey.

I am not tech-savvy, will I make it in this program?

Absolutely, your level of tech-savviness won't be a barrier to your success in our affiliate marketing program. Our program is structured to cater to individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those who might not consider themselves tech-savvy. We provide comprehensive training and support every step of the way, ensuring that you have all the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in the affiliate marketing industry.

In fact, many successful affiliates in our program initially started with limited technical knowledge but were able to excel through our easy-to-follow training modules, personalized coaching, and ongoing support from our team. We focus on simplifying the technical aspects and providing you with user-friendly tools and resources to make your journey smooth and rewarding.

So, rest assured, we're here to guide you through the process and help you reach your affiliate marketing goals, regardless of your level of tech-savviness.

How do I access my membership?

You will access your membership through this website. After purchase you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to finish setting up your account to gain instant access.

What kind of growth in my affiliate email marketing business can I expect from this program?

The Academy is set up to help you master the skillset to run an affiliate email marketing business. The effort you invest directly correlates with the results, and applying the strategies swiftly and effectively in your business can lead to substantial growth and results. This educational program does not guarantee sales.

Will there be any support after 90 days?

Yes, there will be. You can always reach out to our support team at [email protected] if you have any questions. We will get back to you in 24 hours!

Need more support?

Reach out to us by using the chat bot widget located in the bottom right corner of your screen. Our friendly support stuff get back to you in the next 24 hours.

About Us

An online Academy dedicated to empowering affiliate marketers to thrive.


31 Rochester Drive

#24-22 Park Avenue Rochester
Singapore (138637)

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Reach out to us by using the chat bot widget located in the bottom right corner of your screen.